is a method on the ANT
class that creates or updates an undername record for the ANT. An undername is a prefix that is joined to the base name with an underscore (e.g.,
requires authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | Optional |
undername | string | The undername to set the record for (e.g., 'dapp') | false |
transactionId | string | The Arweave transaction ID to set as the record | false |
ttlSeconds | number | The number of seconds for DNS TTL (defaults to 900) | true |
tags | array | An array of GQL tag objects to attach to the transfer AO message | true |
Time-To-Live (TTL) determines how often gateways should check the ANT for updates to the corresponding record. You can have different TTLs for different records within an ANT, depending on their use case. A record that is updated frequently should have a lower value to facilitate serving current data, while a record that is updated less often should have a higher value to allow cached data to be served more quickly.
TTL must be between 60 seconds (1 minute) and 86400 seconds (1 day).
const fs = require("fs");
const { ANT, ArweaveSigner } = require("");
async function main() {
const jwk = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("KeyFile.json"));
// get the ant for the base name
const arnsRecord = await ario.getArNSRecord({ name: 'ardrive' });
const ant = ANT.init({
signer: new ArweaveSigner(jwk),
processId: arnsRecord.processId
const { id: txId } = await ant.setUndernameRecord(
undername: 'dapp',
transactionId: '432l1cy0aksiL_x9M359faGzM_yjralacHIUo8_nQXM',
ttlSeconds: 900
// optional additional tags
{ tags: [{ name: 'App-Name', value: 'My-Awesome-App' }] }
// will now resolve to the provided transaction id